Invest With Me
Much of our success in investing comes from partnering with others. We do this through private borrowing and JV Partnerships.
When working with investors, we focus on their goals and what they would like to achieve and then determine the best way to invest with us. Time frame, return, and risk are all factored in.
Joint Venture Partnerships
JV Partnerships help to build wealth for our investors. We partner on a project, each bringing something different to the deal.
Working Partner: I am the working partner in the deal. I find, analyze, negotiate, and manage the project. I coordinate all renos and manage the asset to completion and beyond. My expertise in managing renovations, tenants, and transitions is key to making these deals a success.
Financial Partner: Our JV Partner is the financial partner in the deal. They bring the funds for the down payment, closing costs, and renovations. And for this…they get 50% ownership in the deal! That means 50% of the cashflow, appreciation, and long term equity creation.
RRSP Lending
This works similarly to Private Lending, but the funds have to be secured to real estate as collateral. You can earn steady returns on your RRSPs by investing in mortgages, and the interest payments go right back into your RRSP.
Realize better returns than you will get at the bank in GIC’s and many mutual funds.
My Philosophy
I’ve been investing in real estate in Northumberland County since 2007. I started out small, doing duplex renovations with my husband in our spare time. We both learned reno skills and did all of our own work including; tiling, drywall, minor plumbing and electrical, window installation, kitchen install etc. In 2012 when my daughter was born, I quit my job as a financial advisor and started work in real estate full time. This is when I started to build my reno team and hired staff to complete our projects. Rental Rehabs Inc and TAG Property Management were born. I officially became a Real Estate Entrepreneur.
I prefer to keep operations in-house as I like to be able to control the projects and manage it all. For property management—My properties are managed with my values in mind. For our renovations—I have staff that I trust and who are familiar with our processes, specific materials, and way of doing business.
Since then we’ve flipped a couple of houses, completely gutted and remodelled a few small multis, and started purchasing and transitioning multi-unit buildings. I’ve built my expertise as a Tenant Relations Specialist and Building Transition Expert. My investment focus is to create forced appreciation on our properties through renovations, so we are often buying buildings that need some TLC and provide a great upside once complete.
We source some of our deals on the market, but many of our deals are found privately—which means that we are often not competing with other buyers and offering win-win solutions for sellers.
We complete some of our “riskier” projects on our own with our own funds or private borrowing, but most of our deals are now completed with JV Partners (JV-Joint Venture). This allows us to expand beyond what we are able to do on our own. Much of our capital is tied up in projects, and so we offer JV opportunities to others, which allows us to take on more projects and help others build wealth as we go.
I like to build win-win partnerships where our JV’s not only get great returns, they also have the satisfaction of knowing they’ve helped build something great.
Interested in exploring my Investment Opportunities? Book a discovery call to discuss.

Helping others build wealth & fulfill their dreams through real estate.
I work with JV partners to help them realize wealth-building opportunities, providing them with great returns on their investments.
Investor FAQs
What Time Frame will I be committing to?
The time frame for a JV deal will depend on the goals of our partners. I’m typically a long-term investor, but I often do more short-term deals to fund my long-term investing. That means that whatever an investor’s goals may be, I likely have a project that fits with their timing.
What does the Investment Process look like?
Are you considering Investing with me but want to know how it works? Here’s the general process.
- Book a Discovery Call via email at—In this call we will go over any questions you have for me, what your interest in investing is, and your goals. This will help us both determine if we are a good fit for each other.
- Exploration Meeting—If we’d like to move forward, we have a full exploration meeting virtually or in person. In this meeting we will go further into what your goals are and opportunities that we have that may meet those. We get to know each other a bit better and really delve into how our relationship may work.
- Intent to Commit—Once we’ve decided that we’d like to work together, we sign an Intent to Commit. This is a commitment outlining what type of deal we want to work on and some of the specifics regarding funds and time frame. This agreement is not legally binding of course, but ensures that we are on the same page with how we want to proceed.
- Deals—as I have deals come up that I think may meet your goals, I’ll reach out to you and see if you want to proceed. You have full discretion to move ahead or not. And if a deal doesn’t work for you that’s okay. I’ll still connect with you for any future deals.
- The Buy—Once we’ve found a deal that works for both of us our relationship is formalized by a Joint Venture Agreement or a Lending Agreement and you would provide funds for the purchase.
- On-Going—We continue as per the Agreement in carrying out whatever we have agreed to.
How does Exiting a Deal work?
We will discuss how we are going to exit a deal before we even enter a deal. We will set the goals and time-frame, and everything is detailed on our agreement. But what if you need to exit a deal prior to our agreed timing? That’s okay! We will also look at contingencies for what happens if you need to exit early, and that process will be written in our Agreement.
Want to see if Investing with Me is a fit for you? Email me at
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